Why I Give As A Young Alumni

A year and a half ago, I was celebrating the beginning of Advent in the UKirk basement in the traditional manner – ugly sweaters, smores on the fire, and endless Christmas cookies. Now, eighteen months later, I find myself in almost an entirely different life, working...

UKirk and the wider Church

As the Presbyterian Church closest to the UTK campus, we at 2nd Presbyterian Church often have the chance to welcome college students into the worship and fellowship life of our community of faith. (At least, we did before Covid!) There are usually two kinds of...

Holy Week – Holy Watch

Psalm 130 Out of the depths I cry to you, O YHWH. God, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to my voice, my cries for mercy! If you kept track of our sins, YHWH, who could stand before you? But with you there is forgiveness, And for this we revere you. So I wait...

Remembering Sabbath at Montreat College Conference

One thing I love about UKirk at the University of Tennessee is it’s group dynamic and the individual bonds between each member. No matter how long I’ve been away from UKirk, it seems I can always pick up where I left off with everyone as though no time has gone by....

A Freshman’s Reflection

Finishing my first year is both emotional, stressful, and relieving. It’s the whole idea of happy to be done, sad to leave (even if it’s only for the summer). I remember my first day walking on campus. I moved into my dorm, made some friends, and tried dining hall...

The Examen… like a really big Examen though.

The Examen is a daily prayer that St. Ignatius required the monks in his charge to perform. It involved looking back at your day and trying to find God in it, and then looking forward to your next day and praying about it. I wrote this Examen out for my ministry’s...