UKirk and the wider Church

As the Presbyterian Church closest to the UTK campus, we at 2nd Presbyterian Church often have the chance to welcome college students into the worship and fellowship life of our community of faith. (At least, we did before Covid!) There are usually two kinds of...

Renovated and Always Renovating

There’s a video saved in the very back of my phone. It’s a snapchat of the old living room in the UKirk house. It was finals week during Advent and late in the afternoon. The Christmas tree stood, decorated with glitter and ornaments, in the corner by the back door....

“Why is UKirk so important to you?”

I get asked a lot, “Why is UKirk so important to you?” For starters, I’m on the board for UKirk at the University of Tennessee and get to see first hand this amazing ministry. My job is to help support and encourage the staff and students here and make sure we are...

UKirk is doing GREAT!

In the late spring our campus minister resigned to take a new call. With the timing of everything we knew we would not be able to have a new campus minister in place by the time the new school year started, but we were ready for the challenge. The Board of Directors...

Why Fundraising is Important

When I took the position as Communications Coordinator here at UKirk, I knew part of my job would be fundraising and grant writing. I wasn’t intimidated, but I wasn’t completely confident either. I dabbled in fundraising some in a previous job as a youth director and...

A Freshman’s Reflection

Finishing my first year is both emotional, stressful, and relieving. It’s the whole idea of happy to be done, sad to leave (even if it’s only for the summer). I remember my first day walking on campus. I moved into my dorm, made some friends, and tried dining hall...