The Community I Needed In College

When I was in college I took a writing class in which we had to read a book on the topic of writing. One of the options was Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird. I chose this book without really knowing anything about it or the author. I never could have foreseen that this...

“Why is UKirk so important to you?”

I get asked a lot, “Why is UKirk so important to you?” For starters, I’m on the board for UKirk at the University of Tennessee and get to see first hand this amazing ministry. My job is to help support and encourage the staff and students here and make sure we are...

A Home Away From Home

UKirk has a special place in my heart, and it really has been a home for me during my time at UT. You may have heard us call it a home over and over, but we keep saying it because it is true. I have made some of my best friends in this place. When I am at UKirk I know...

Why Fundraising is Important

When I took the position as Communications Coordinator here at UKirk, I knew part of my job would be fundraising and grant writing. I wasn’t intimidated, but I wasn’t completely confident either. I dabbled in fundraising some in a previous job as a youth director and...

A Freshman’s Reflection

Finishing my first year is both emotional, stressful, and relieving. It’s the whole idea of happy to be done, sad to leave (even if it’s only for the summer). I remember my first day walking on campus. I moved into my dorm, made some friends, and tried dining hall...

Words Hurt

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” I used to say these words, as I’m sure others have or have even repeated to children, when words were weaponized to do harm. It’s a catchy phrase, but it’s simply not true. Words can hurt and more,...