Holy Week – Holy Watch

Psalm 130 Out of the depths I cry to you, O YHWH. God, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to my voice, my cries for mercy! If you kept track of our sins, YHWH, who could stand before you? But with you there is forgiveness, And for this we revere you. So I wait...

UKirk Stations of the Cross

Introduction “Stations of the Cross” originated in 17th century Catholicism as a way to mark the movements of the last day of Jesus’ earthly life. There are a couple different versions of the original list, and these fourteen stations are adapted from those.  Holy...

God Is Bigger Than We Think

Like most of you, I have spent the past week deep in zoom and facetime calls, working with my peers to figure out a way forward, a way to navigate this unprecedented and uncertain time. We are all navigating these unsteady and shaky steps, doing the best we can with...

Welcome to the Wilderness

Welcome to the wilderness. It’s fitting that we are in the season of Lent, walking with Jesus through unknown territory. No one knows what to do here, we are all anxious, uncertain, and fearful. And yet, when I think about this time, I am reminded of an article I read...

Moravian Love Feast

On March 29th, the students of UKirk UTK and Vol Catholic joined together at St. John XXIII for a Moravian Love Feast, a time of fellowship and full bellies that centered on our faith communities’ unity in our mutual love of God. At first, it was nerve racking to...