Third Week of Advent: Love

Romans 12: 9-21 (“Love in Action”) offers a clear framework on biblical and godly love. The first two verses read, “9Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Everyone is...

“In the Garden”

One of my all time favorite hymns is “In the Garden,” and I often find myself humming the tune as I work in the UGrow garden at UKirk. The song opens with the line “I come to the garden alone,” and as I hummed that verse while gardening last week I couldn’t help...

Finding Gratitude Amidst the Chaos

On Friday February 28th, I was sitting on the bed in a tiny Paris AirBnb, daydreaming out the sixth-story slanted window, when my friend interrupted my thoughts: “They’re getting sent home.” They were our friends studying abroad in Rome, Italy, and this led to a...

Navigating College Amidst COVID-19

I’m sure we are all tired of hearing about the repercussions of COVID-19, I know I am. But I’ll say it one more time for the people in the back, these are weird times we are going through. One of the weirdest adjustments that UT students have been making is switching...

Remembering Sabbath at Montreat College Conference

One thing I love about UKirk at the University of Tennessee is it’s group dynamic and the individual bonds between each member. No matter how long I’ve been away from UKirk, it seems I can always pick up where I left off with everyone as though no time has gone by....