by admin | May 23, 2019 | love, Love everyone, PC(USA), Prayer, Presbyterian, Presbyterian Campus Ministry, Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), safe space, The Lord's Table, UKirk, UKirk at UTK, University of Tennessee, UTK
Leaving a place you love is always difficult. As I prepare for the conclusion of my tenure as the Pastor of UKirk-UTK, it’s difficult to put into words the swirl of emotion that I feel as this great time of my life comes to a close. I feel grateful. I want to thank...
by admin | Apr 18, 2019 | Holy Week, Lent, Lenten Season, love, PC(USA), Presbyterian, Presbyterian Campus Ministry, Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), UKirk, UKirk at UTK, UTK
We as humans are full of expectations. It isn’t really something we can help, I don’t think, but we all certainly do enjoy making prejudgments and leaning into them. We have expectations that our day will go smoothly and that our coffee will be hot. You have...
by admin | Sep 28, 2018 | All Are Welcome, Facebook, Instagram, Millennials, News, PC(USA), Presbyterian, Presbyterian Campus Ministry, Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), safe space, Social Media, Social Media Platforms, Twitter, UKirk, UKirk at UTK, UKirk branding, UPerk, UPerk Coffee, UTK
UKirk UTK has one of the most far-reaching Instagram pages in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and is a primary means of communication used to tell the many stories of life and ministry to our followers. We believe that if we are doing something well, it’s important to...
by admin | Jan 16, 2018 | ccm18, Current Events, Jan Edmiston, PC(USA), Presbyterian, Presbyterian Campus Ministry, Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), student blogger, thistle farms, UKirk, UKirk at UTK, UKirk branding, UTK
When Be Thou My Vision flashed across the screen of Anderson Auditorium, I gasped and whispered to my friends, “I actually know this one!” Coming from a loosely-religious family, most of the songs we’d sung throughout Montreat College Conference were unfamiliar to me....
by admin | Oct 16, 2017 | commumion, Current Events, Facebook, love, politics, Presbyterian Campus Ministry, Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), The Lord's Table, UKirk, UKirk at UTK, UTK
This may come as a surprise to some folks, but I am a big Garth Brooks fan. Not the weird Chris Gaines alter ego phase, but, for the most part, if Garth Brooks sang it, I like it. One of my favorite Garth Brooks songs is The Dance, a song that discusses the painful...