UKirk is doing GREAT!

In the late spring our campus minister resigned to take a new call. With the timing of everything we knew we would not be able to have a new campus minister in place by the time the new school year started, but we were ready for the challenge. The Board of Directors...

A Farewell from Rev. Andy Morgan

Leaving a place you love is always difficult. As I prepare for the conclusion of my tenure as the Pastor of UKirk-UTK, it’s difficult to put into words the swirl of emotion that I feel as this great time of my life comes to a close. I feel grateful. I want to thank...

Why Fundraising is Important

When I took the position as Communications Coordinator here at UKirk, I knew part of my job would be fundraising and grant writing. I wasn’t intimidated, but I wasn’t completely confident either. I dabbled in fundraising some in a previous job as a youth director and...

Why a Young Alumni Gives to UKirk UTK

The first time I stepped inside UKirk, it was the first Wednesday of my freshman year and just from that initial service, I knew I had found the place for me. Let me start off by saying that I have never been an extremely religious person. I have always questioned...

A Freshman’s Reflection

Finishing my first year is both emotional, stressful, and relieving. It’s the whole idea of happy to be done, sad to leave (even if it’s only for the summer). I remember my first day walking on campus. I moved into my dorm, made some friends, and tried dining hall...

Words Hurt

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” I used to say these words, as I’m sure others have or have even repeated to children, when words were weaponized to do harm. It’s a catchy phrase, but it’s simply not true. Words can hurt and more,...